Acupressure Wrist Band Reviews
What Are The Best Acupressure Wrist Bands?
Our Favorite Acupressure Wrist Bands
What Is An Acupressure Wrist Band & How Does It Work?
An acupressure wrist band is a band that you wear like a bracelet around your wrist that is designed to put pressure on certain acupoints on your wrist and arm.
You could also wear it around your ankle, if it will fit.
An acupressure wrist band is a great tool for achieving acupressure application for an extended period of time.
Many acupressure wrist bands claim to help relieve nausea and stomach aches, as well as other issues.
This claim is backed up by scientific evidence that acupressure is effective at reducing nausea and other issues like back pain.
Some critics claim that acupressure bands only work via placebo – you feel better because you think you’ll feel better.
But if your nausea, stomach aches, or muscle pain actually goes away because of it, who cares if it was just placebo?
Millions of patients use acupressure around the world to achieve relief from all sorts of issues, and an acupressure wrist band allows you to treat some of those issues on “autopilot” by letting a wrist band do the pressure work for you.
Instead of holding a pressure point with your fingers and having your hands tied up, you can just put on an acupressure bracelet and let the object perform in place of your fingers.
Acupressure Wrist Band Buying Guide: What Should I Look For?
Let’s be honest – there really aren’t that many differences between different types of acupressure bracelets.
That’s because they all pretty much do the same thing, which is to strap around your wrist or arm and put pressure on an acupoint with a small solid object embedded in the strap of the wristband.
The most important things to look for in an acupressure wrist band are:
- Does the wrist band secure tightly, but not so tight to cut off circulation?
- Does the wrist band stay on the proper acupoint, or does it slide around my arm?
- Is the wrist band comfortable? Can I wear it for prolonged periods of time without discomfort or impeded circulation?
- Is the wrist band stylish? After all, you may want to wear it in public.
- Is the wrist band cheap plastic that will break soon, or secure material that will last?
You’ll have to read customer reviews of each wrist band to find out the exact answers to these questions, but I’ve assembled some highly praised wrist bands in the section to follow.
The Best Acupressure Wrist Band – Reviewed
Let’s take a look at some of the most popular acupressure wrist bands available for purchase.

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The Sea-Band acupressure wrist band is one of the most popular acupressure bracelets in the world. The cloth bracelet contains a hard plastic bead that puts gentle pressure on the acupoint of the wrist that it is placed over. Sea-Band may have been named for its intended relief of nausea caused by sea sickness. An acupressure wrist band like this makes a great tool to bring with you on a boat trip or car ride where you are worried about getting sea sickness or car sickness. Using a wrist band to keep pressure on the acupoint means you won’t need to use your fingers while driving or doing anything else.
Unique Benefits
Multi-Color Acupressure Wrist Band

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These colorful acupressure wrist bands offer a more stylish variety than some other options, for those that demand their accessories match their outfits. The design is very similar to competing products and the effectiveness of these pressure bracelets is probably equivalent to any other acupressure wrist band option.
Unique Benefits

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This wrist band design is a bit different than the other. It’s probably named Wet/Dry to advertise the fact that the material is more comfortable when it gets wet – perfect for avoiding sea sickness on a boat ride or even if you stop to go swimming while you’re at it. These bands are held together by a reusable velcro strap that won’t lose its tightness over time, as they claim other versions of the bands do. The velcro straps are also adjustable in tightness so you can avoid the annoying feeling of a band that is too tight or loose, a major complaint of other wrist bands.
Unique benefits